Whether you support Biafra or not this information is for all.
It is no news that the military have declared war against the Eastern Nigeria and have set check points and blockades on every road restricting movements and subjecting innocent civilians to unreasonable harassments and tortures like they did during the 1967-1970 civil war. Despite all these news every one is relaxed thinking that it concerns members of the IPOB agitators.

Mind you, not all those who are injured are agitators and when the unthinkable begins to happen, every one will be affected whether you believe in Biafra or Nigeria. If it doesn't happen to you, it will happen to your loved ones.

This was the exact same way the civil war started; the military launching malicious and aggressive attacks on innocent civilians and turning the whole story around and instead of you opening your eyes to the truth and crying out, you rather believe all you see and hear from the manipulated media and  play an I-don-care game going about the businesses you believe to be more valuable than human lives and blaming peaceful agitators.

*continue* . Just know that if these evil men can make it into the east, killing innocent souls including children and your governors and leaders saying nothing about it, then be fully aware that we are in a jungle where the fittest wins the game. If they can gain control of the East, the South will be a compliment for a job well-done.

For your information, these men have all laid ambush in bushes, streets, roads, uncompleted buildings, waiting for a counter attack to use as a reason for war.

Or do you think the so called UN is not getting these news? All they are waiting is for the news of another civil war then they begin to troop in with their relief materials.

We are on our own and must stay together to defend ourselves against these lawless illiterate in military uniforms who think we are still in the 18th century irrespective of our individual views.

On Sunday, 10th September 2017 some barbaric political puppets lacking human reasoning under the command of their higher political juggernauts in order to pursue their personal and political interest,  invaded the residence of the leader of the Indigenous People Of Biafra Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and after they were resisted from gaining entrance into his home,

they made away with the  killing of some civilians and injuring many others and ended up manipulating the press issuing a report that claims that the members of IPOB barricaded the federal road and prevented them the military from continuing their parade and I ask: where on the face of the earth and in this country Nigeria has anyone countered some numbers of military vans and tanks from moving?

It is vivid in the video shared online that the road they are talking about is the street that leads directly into the home of the leader of IPOB and nowhere else.
Does it mean that all through the state they saw nowhere to parade their vans and tanks other than the home of Nnamdi Kanu?

*But you still chose to believe their story because it haven't happened or reached your door step.*

Not ending there, they still decided to violate the Leader's freedom of  movement and have been launching aggressive attacks on him and the people around him yet you enjoy the details of the news and long for more because it's sounding like a seasonal war film to you.

When did self determination which is approved and contained in the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Right Part 1- Article 1of which Nigeria is a member to, turned into a violent or hate speech?
Since when did the demand for referendum  turned into a call for war?
If indeed members of IPOB are violent, why would they use just logs of wood to resist armed terrorists?

It is clear that another civil war is revolving around our homes and we are watching in amusement enjoying every step it takes.
Lives are been taken by this terrorists in the name of military every day all in the name of keeping their failed state as one.

The Boko Haram are still terrorizing the north and instead to fight those who have declared open war against them, they have decided to transfer the aggression on you and I and all you can do is sit back and wait for the next episode of your season movie.

We have to work together and defend our right and avoid this continues humiliations against our land.

We must rise against this injustice that have continued to rape us and deprive us of our happiness, unity and livelihood.

*Wake Up Everyone, Wake up from your slumber and defend your right*

Speak against these acts wherever you are and if we sound one voice then we win the battle. Our differences is their major tool of success.

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